R Pro Insider: How to protect your business, educate your clients, and look good doing it.
Feb 04, 2024
Read Time: 4m, 53s
First things first, let's get you on track with the Corporate Transparency Act.
Here's 4 resources for your real estate business to get in compliance with the Corporate Transparency Act (or if you've never heard of it, to learn what it is and why you probably aren't in compliance yet):
- R Pro Academy YouTube Video
- R Pro Academy Blog Post
- GDL Legal PLLC Overview Page
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Small Business Compliance Guide
These will save you hours trying to figure it out on your own. GDL Legal PLLC can save you more time and give you the comfort of an attorney doing the filing for you and making sure it's correct if that interests you. Click link #3 above to see pricing and get in contact.
Powerful Small Habits
I posted this question on Facebook about what small habit you've been building this month. There was a ton of great discussion. I'd love to know what you've been working on. Reply to this email and let me know! Here's the post:
What is the best small habit you’ve built this month?
For me, it has been:
Going analog with my task management. I picked up a small pocket-sized journal and a fountain pen where I keep all my tasks, daily habits, and track my schedule with time blocks. 📝
🔑 Task management apps on my phone become a black hole. With a notebook, each day I have to carry forward tasks from the previous day by writing them down. That requires conscious decisions about those tasks.
🔑 It's waaaay more satisfying to check a box with a pen on paper rather than tapping a checkbox on your phone screen.
🔑 By manually writing down new tasks and to-dos, it makes me think harder about how bad I want to take that new thing on.
So simple but so powerful. 💪
What new habit are you working on this month?
Educating Your Clients on the Contract
It isn't easy to effectively explain the real estate contract to your clients.
After showing them the house they fell in love with, when is the next time you will see them in person? Probably at inspections or maybe closing?
For at least the last few years, submitting offers and negotiating has moved at the speed of light. It feels like there isn't time. Everyone is overwhelmed and busy. When are you going to fit it in?
We spent hours thinking about how to solve this problem, and we created a cheap resource to help (1) make your life easier, (2) protect your business, and (3) educate your clients on the contract. We call it our Contract Explainer Video Set.
It's two videos. One for the buyer, one for the seller. Each under 15 minutes. The video walks them through the OREC contract and financing addendum so they have a good foundation for their contractual rights and obligations.
We rolled them out late last year and had some people try them out. We got nothing but positive reviews. We updated and upgraded them for 2024. Now there are hundreds of agents out there using them to serve their clients. How are you serving your clients?
Broker Experience, March 27-28
We opened up registration for our first (and there might not be a second) Broker Experience course of 2024. This course is approved for Broker in Charge credit by OREC if you need it, but we think this course is great even if you don't need Broker in Charge.
We limit this course to managing brokers, broker owners, branch brokers, and more experienced agents in managing/mentoring positions. We create lots of opportunities for discussion to learn from everyone in the room in a higher level learning environment.
We believe in this course so much that if you finish and don't feel like it was worth your time, we will give you a 100% refund no questions asked.
Seating is limited.
Click here to see all the details and see why you need to be there.
We would love about 30 seconds of YOUR advice. We are building an online pre-license education course. We have a dream of making this the best pre-license course in Oklahoma. We would love it if you would reply and give us one quick piece of advice on how to make our dream a reality. Email us ([email protected]) and tell us one thing we can do to make our pre-license course the course YOU would recommend to people wanting to get a real estate license?