R Pro Insider: 5 Facts About the New Initial Blanks on the Contract
Mar 12, 2024
Read Time: 2 min, 25 sec
We just moved, and I don't need to tell you how crazy that makes life. But, that also means R Pro Academy has a brand new dedicated video studio coming soon! I can't tell you how excited I am to get it all put together. Here's what the new studio means for you:
- More free informational videos on our YouTube channel.
- More online CE & courses on the most important topics in real estate.
- Pre-license, post-license, and broker courses in the works.
- Live webinars and live sessions on social media.
- Plus, we are going to document everything you need to put together a video studio in your home if you want to start your own video content!
If you have any video or course ideas for us, email us at [email protected] and let us know what you want from R Pro!
5 Facts About the New Initial Blanks on the Contract
The new contract forms from the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission now have initial blanks on the bottom of each page. Here are 5 things you need to know about the initial blanks (and a link to our YouTube video discussing the initial blanks):
- When submitting an offer, the buyer should initial every initial blank.
- When accepting an offer, the seller should initial every blank.
- When counter offering, the seller should initial every blank.
- Initials do NOT mean the party "accepts" the contract. It just means they acknowledge that page is part of the contract.
- Missing initials do NOT mean the contract wasn't accepted or isn't enforceable if the parties signed the contract. Signatures are what reflects their acceptance, not the initials.
We would love for you to check out our YouTube video on initials so you can be an initials expert and help get other agents on the same page.
Click here to watch the YouTube video on initialing the contract.
Broker Experience is for YOU
R Pro Academy's Broker Experience is coming up on March 27-28. We are hosting the Broker Experience at the Ambassador Hotel in Midtown OKC, with lunch out at local restaurants in Midtown. No catered sandwich here. Here is a list of who Broker Experience is for:
- Managing brokers, branch brokers, and broker owners no matter if you have 500 agents or just you.
- Team leaders and people about to start a new team.
- Agents who are planning to start their own brokerage.
- Anyone who mentors, supervises, or coaches agents.
- Experienced agents who want a more advanced course with higher level discussion.
Yes, the course qualifies for the OREC 15-hour Broker in Charge requirement. No, you don't have to be a managing broker to attend, but we do limit it to people who are more experienced, in a supervisory role, or are planning to enter into management roles.
Still have questions about whether Broker Experience is right for you? Email us at [email protected] because we would love to chat with you about it!
Click here to learn more about the Broker Experience and register! Seating is limited!
We appreciate you checking out this R Pro Insider! We wouldn't exist if it weren't for YOU, so we want to let you know that we are some of your biggest fans. How can we help you elevate your real estate career?
-The R Pro Academy Team
Geoffrey Long, School Director
Tara Long, Chief Learning Officer